Weighted pick

A colleague described a simple problem to me: If there are three values A, B, and C, and the probabilities of selecting each value are 27%, 8%, and 65% respectively, then how do I write a function that randomly selects a value according to its chances?

I thought this would be a good chance to practice some J again, so I worked it out as follows.

    vals =. 'a';'b';'c'

    weights =. 27 8 65
27 8 65

    max =. +/weights

    r =. ?max

    steps =. +/\weights
27 35 100   

    mask =. r < steps
0 1 1

    mask # vals

    {. mask # vals

And the obligatory point-free definition.

pick =: {.@#~((?@+/)<+/\)

I get C most times, which suggests the weights are working.

   vals pick weights

With J having so many statistical applications, I imagine this problem has been resolved in a more elegant manner elsewhere, but it was fun writing some again.